Dall’Autorithy europea una guida per gli autisti su distacco, tempi di guida e riposo

Pubblicati due opuscoli per conducenti e operatori del settore del trasporto su strada.

 L’European Labour Autorithy ha pubblicato sul proprio sito web,  in allegato anche in lingua italiana, due opuscoli per conducenti e operatori del settore del trasporto su strada, dedicati al distacco transnazionale e ai tempi di guida e riposo.

L’opuscolo distacco dei conducenti illustra i diritti e gli obblighi, aggiornati alle norme del Primo Pacchetto Mobilità entrate in vigore il 2 febbraio 2022. Ai conducenti, il testo spiega quali sono la remunerazione e le condizioni di lavoro e, nel caso di quelli distaccati, quale documentazione devono avere in cabina e fornirli in visione agli organi accertatori in caso di controllo.

L’opuscolo sui tempi di guida e riposo riassume le regole generali e quelle nuove introdotte il 20 agosto 2022 dal Primo Pacchetto Mobilità, tra cui il divieto di trascorrere il riposo settimanale regolare nella cabina del mezzo pesante e l’obbligo di rientro dell’autista ogni tre o quattro settimane presso la propria residenza o la sede della società di trasporto per cui lavora.

Inoltre sono delucidate le eventuale deroghe in caso di imbarco sui treni e traghetti e l’obbligo di commutare la nazione sul cronotachigrafo al momento dell’attraversamento della frontiera.

 Road to Fair Transport Campaign

Every day, countless transport operations are being carried out across the EU. The road transport sector is essential to our European economy. However, it is also a sector that has to deal with several challenges, some are specific for drivers, or operators, others are problematic for both.  

Road Transport sector constitutes an increasingly important area for the European Labour Authority. Enforcing EU legislation addressing the social aspects of specific legislation in a highly mobile environment raises numerous challenges. Relevant legal framework for this sector ‘Mobility Package I’ in place since August 2020 addressed some of these issues. It contains a set of rules that have gradually become applicable, for example the rules on posting of drivers or the rules on driving and resting time. These new rules brought changes the road transport sector and also new challenges in their practical application.

It is one step to have the rules in place, the second step is to ensure that drivers and operators are informed about the rules, and a third, that the rules are enforced effectively. In line with this, the Authority published its Framework for Action on road transport, where it announced a number of activities planned for 2022, including the set-up of a coordinated information and awareness raising campaign on road transport.

#Road2FairTransport: ELA’s 2022 awareness raising campaign

The #Road2FairTransport campaign aims to further explain legislative changes brought by the Mobility Package I, inform about the rights and obligations of the drivers and operators, as well as provide materials and guidance on various topics related to the road transport sector. ELA has prepared a package of communication materials and provided it to the campaign partners in the Member States. The campaign runs via social media channels, and also locally along the most trafficked highways in the EU. ELA also prepared leaflets with clear information for drivers about the new rules in all EU languages and 5 additional languages, including Ukrainian.

ELA will also carry out local information sessions and roadshows, on the spot as well as online, targeting drivers and operators. When it comes to the enforcement of the applicable rules, ELA will support the organisation and coordination of concerted and joint inspections of enforcement authorities in the Member States.  

The Authority coordinates the campaign with EU Member States, social partners, and relevant enforcement organisations in order to ensure that information about the applicable legislation in the road transport sector effectively reaches cross-border workers and operators. 

To discover more content and materials, follow our webpage and social media #Road2FairTransport

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